Summary - careerfitter

A as a developer, you are calm, confident, and analytical.

Your drive to create order and structure from abstract theory is natural.

The ability you have to absorb extremely complex material makes you invaluable to anyone needing to create or improve a strategy or system.

Career satisfaction:

allows you to create and develop innovative solutions to problems while improving existing system.

lets you work in a logical manner to implement your good ideas, and rewards you when you persevere.

deals with other industrious people that have knowledge and intellect your respect.

gives you credit for your imaginative ideas, and lets you keep control and ownership over how they are carried out.

exposes you to interaction with a small group of other intellectual people, and is free of interpersonal differences.

allows you to work independently, and provides you with a steady stream of new information and opportunities to increase your skills.

permits you to produce a product that complies with your high standards, and not the subjective whims of others.

avoids repetition and detail-oriented demands.

allows you to freely modify or transform people and systems, while giving you a high degree of autonomy and control.

evaluates your performance based on clearly defined criteria, and compensates you fairly for your contributions.

Primary Characteristics:

  1. Reserved&Introspective
    1. Think before say
    2. Are willing to listen
    3. Need alone time to be refreshed.
    4. Mean what you say and say what you mean.
  2. Idealistic&Theoretical
    1. Receive satisfaction by figuring out how things work just for the sake of curiosity.
    2. Get more energised by future possibilities, than what is going on in the here and now.
    3. Juggle and think about many things at once.
    4. Find that you are interested in understanding how things are related and interconnected.
    5. Are inclined to give broad answers to questions, and non-specific instructions to tasks you want carried out.
  3. Objective&Analytical
    1. Don't get overwhelmed when having to make difficult decisions.
    2. Are able to work with others regardless of your personal differences.
    3. Find information credible if there is logical and relevant evidence to back it up.
    4. Are more concerned with being just and straightforward when you have a difference of opinion, than spending effort on making people happy.
    5. Can take either side of a misunderstanding and give a convincing argument. (Just another chance to use your thinking)
    6. Are more unyielding than softhearted when discussing a matter you do not agree with.
    7. Find it possible to remain impartial and composed in scenarios when others get emotional. Even though others often mistakenly view this as insensitive and callous.